Thursday, January 17, 2013


Geth Trooper (Pale Green)
Geth Troopers are standard geth infantry. These units are lightly equipped, with no exotic weapons, and are normally found in groups of two or more. They are dark gray in color, with pale green synthetic "flesh" and a bright blue 'flashlight eye'.

Initiative: 6 (special)
DR:6 KB: 6 HP:26 DV:15 BD:12
Ranged Weapons:3D+8 
- Geth Pulse Rifle: Range:30m Damage:5D+3
Search:2D+6 (special)
Dexterity:3D Knowledge:1D Mechanical:2D Perception:2D Strength:3D Technical:1D
Move: 10
Synthetic: Geth are immune to poisons, gases, do not eat, drink or sleep and can survive in vacuum.
Network AI: For additional Geth beyond the 1st each gains +1 Search.
Technology Aptitude: All Geth get +6 to Secruity, Electronic Devices and Synthetics.
Shield Boost: Geth Trooper regenerates full Kinetic Barriers every 2 rounds.

Geth Hopper (White)
The Geth Hopper is a specialized Geth platform, used primarily for stealth attacks, cyber warfare and sabotage. Hoppers are cyber warfare platforms', meaning they have the ability to wreak havoc on computers and weapons with Sabotage, Overload, or Damping. The Hopper's main attack is a powerful laser that comes out of its "eye".

Initiative: 12 (special)
DR:6 KB:6 HP:26 DV:15 BD:12
Ranged Weapons:4D+8

- Laser „eye“: Range:25m Damage:3D
Search:4D+6 (special)
Dexterity:4D Knowledge:1D Mechanical:2D Perception:4D Strength:2D Technical:3D
Move: 12
Synthetic: Geth are immune to poisons, gases, do not eat, drink or sleep and can survive in vacuum.
Network AI: For additional Geth beyond the 1st each gains +1 Search.
Technology Aptitude: All Geth get +6 to Secruity, Electronic Devices and Synthetics.

Tech Talents:Damping
Time Taken: action
3D+9 vs Willpower if successful the target cannot use any Biotic Talent for 2 rounds.
Time Taken: action
4D+6 vs 24 if successful, any opponent that targets the user or any other character within 5m of the user, ads one difficulty level to hit you and deducts your one dice from the damage their weapon deals for 1 round, cool-down 4 rounds.
Time Taken: action
Roll 3D+9 versus targets defense Technical or Willpower to shut down their shields. Overload automatically shut’s down any kinetic barriers of a personal armor.

Geth Juggernaut (Red)
The Geth Juggernaut is a heavy geth infantry platform, recognizable by its red armor, bright red 'flashlight eye' and huge stature. It towers above the ground, an intimidating presence on the battlefield. They're equipped with pulse rifles modified to fire Distortion Rockets.

Initiative: 6 (special)
DR:12 KB: 9 HP:35 DV:15 BD:21
Ranged Weapons:3D+8 

- Geth Pulse Rifle: Range:30m Damage:5D+3
- Geth Distortion Rocket Launcher Range:35m Damage:7D
Search:3D+6 (special)
Dexterity:3D Knowledge:1D Mechanical:2D Perception:3D Strength:5D Technical:1D
Move: 10 Synthetic: Geth are immune to poisons, gases, do not eat, drink or sleep and can survive in vacuum.
Network AI: For additional Geth beyond the 1st each gains +1 Search and +1 Initiative
Technology Aptitude: All Geth get +6 to Secruity, Electronic Devices and Synthetics.
Shield Boost: Geth Juggernaut regenerates full Kinetic Barriers every 2 rounds.

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